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#loveisblindchallenge ❤️
A perfect Valentine's Gift that you can make in just one minute 🤗 Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and I have a cute gift idea...

OMG, I wrote a book!
And I think you're really gonna like it, because I wrote it for you. Drawn On The Way: A Guide to Capturing the Moment Through Live...

Hidden Treasure: Every drawing I made this weekend
I look forward to coming home and opening my sketchbook to review what I saw that day. Each drawing is like a sort of Cliff’s Notes,...

2,000 Miles to Go: An Illustrated Road-Trip Adventure // Drawing On The Way ... Across America
After wrapping the book, it was time to put the “on the way” part of my project to the test by hopping in the car for a 2,000 mile drive...

Your Voting Guide: Make a plan to Vote and Be The Change!
My artistic mission is rooted in the belief that each one of us is worthy of being seen and being heard. That belief is also at heart of...

The Days of Awe: What is it to suffer?
These are the Days of Awe. To my non-Jewish friends, that’s not just a new phrase for these strange times, but the words that describe...

Poems for Summer // Before It's Gone
Before the summer green fades into the golden hues of fall, take a moment to breathe in the warm air and perhaps peruse a bit of poetry....

5 Easy Ways to Save The Post Office & (and send some fun snail mail! 💌)
Here's a quick recap of what's happening with the USPS and how to help!

A Hidden Portal, A Pizza Shop and A Pigeon... // Adventures On the Way to Nowhere
In an effort to shake off the cabin fever and make sure as much of the cost my meal went to the restaurant (and not to an app developer…)...

Be Yourself: Important Life Lessons From a Puddle
Of all the inhabitants of the pond, the one that I love the most is the story that lives inside of it.

Build a Sail To Catch Your Luck // Adventures On The Way to the Beach.
A little Sunday Story in Sketch for you… A few years ago while in between jobs, I decided to use the time to take a staycation in New...

Black Lives Matter
In the last week, demonstrations have spread across the country to protest the systemic racism that lead to the death of George Floyd,...

You Are What You Eat: Finding family, Companionship, and Myself in the Passover Brisket
As I write this, smells of savory barbecue fill my house. They emanate from my oven, where I am currently slow-cooking a brisket. For the...

Good Things
Here, in some order, is a list of things that prove that the world is indeed worth saving if we make it through this nonsense.

How to be a beginner In 3 Easy Steps:
Going against all the advice I am about to give you, I almost didn’t write this piece because I decided that it was too late to start....

On a Dark and Stormy Night // Adventures On The Way to the Headless Horseman
I love all things Halloween, so when I saw that Greenfield Village was having a Halloween Evening and candlelit dinner in their 1800s...

As Long As there's A Sunset ... // Adventures On The Way to the Rodeo
“As long as there’s a sunset, there will always be a West.” And with those words, the Mint Festival Championship Rodeo announcer bid us a

The Ranch Time Forgot // Adventures On The Way ... to Tucson
Just a few dusty miles down the road from my parents’ home in Tucson, there is a little ranch I like to visit. Nestled deep inside of...

Lost and Found in Chinatown
Although most of my sketching happens on the train, I’ve gotten a little bolder about sketching out and about in the city. I made these...

The Week in Portraits
This week was a long one, as busy and swirling as the polar vortex that hovered over most of the country. We somehow moved out of January...

On The Way
Musings on the journey
from here to there.
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